The power to make your own RPG is at your fingertips.

User Rating: 9 | RPG Tsukuru VX Ace PC
Have you even wanted to make your own RPG game like Final Fantasy? Joining a video game company requires to go through college and there still is no guarentee. RPG Maker VX Ace is software that allows the person to make their own RPG. How hard is it to use? Well the company uses the phrase: "So easy that even a child could use it!" Well if that child if the child is good with scripting and has a imagination, then yes it is very possible.

Software 10/10
This game really does have many options the things that you can do with this software just seems limitless. You can create many different genres of RPGs, create your very own stories, characters, attacks, items, enemies, scripts, and maps. It might take some learning, but eventually things become second nature and you are able to do things with out getting stuck.

Tools 9/10
There are lots of tools that you can use in the game such as adding events, creating maps, creating characters, adding in zones, in the events you have lots of different options. Unfortunately, the character creator characters might look a little goofy compared to the ones that are available to you or the ones that you find online.

Database 10/10
This is where lots of fun can be had, this is where you can create attacks, items, NPCs, actors (main characters), weapons, armor, enemies, sounds, animations for attacks, and even change titles, sounds, and music of your game. There is so much you can do, and if you don't find a certain character or enemy you can go online and import one manually or create your own if you are good at creating and editing sprites or character faces.

DLC and other options 8.5/10
The sad thing here is that you must buy DLC and that is made by the company. (You can download playmade content online and import it into the game through the resource manager) This DLC doesn't come cheap and they cost $30 a piece! That is expensive, but you get a lot well created tile sets, faces, sprites, music, and lots of other neat features.

Scripting up to you
Scripting is difficult if you are not good at making your own scripts. You can go online and find many different neat little scripts to add into the game to enhance your game such as animating your combat, changing the menu, increaing party size, and there is so much more that is available. Some scripts are easier to add than others and this is where you must test and research.

RPG Maker is a good tool if you want to create games of your own. Whether you want to use this program for your own sake or you want to try and sell your games is up to you, but this tool is so much fun to use and is worth the buy. If you are lucky or you monitor Steam you might be able to pick it up on sale, otherwise it is $60 on Steam. This software earns a 9/10.