A challenging game with a lot of strategic features.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rome: Total War PC
Overall feeling: GOOD
The game contains several exiting feats and strategic choices. If you play it to much it can become a bit repetitive, but then, what doesn't when you do it to much? ;)

Difficulty: GOOD
I havn't played the harder difficulties, so maybe I shouldn't say anything about this. But it's pretty challenging on normal difficulty at some stages of the game, and - for certain - when playing with some of the smaller factions.

Game length: OK
It takes time to conquer the world! I got a little disappointed when I suddenly won with the Juliis based on kingdom strength. I first thought you have to vanquish all other factions on the map totally, but that's just if you want to keep on playing after the message of your victory. I didn't even get to use ALL the different kind of units in the faction, so of course I played on and maybe I missed some kind of end movie, I don't know...

Stability: OK
Well, when I first played this on my friends computer, it didn't have any problems. But then on my new computer (new 2009 that is) I experienced a lot of problems at the start. When finished with a battle and heading to the map area again – the game just crashes! I finally got it to work better when I changed the graphic options on both the map area and when in battle so the two used the same graphic resolution. A bit weird to have two different options settings depending on whether you are in a battle or on the map area, but ok.

Control: BAD
Well, for the most part, it's OK. The interface is nice and clean and when on the map area you can control your armies and cities very well. But then in battle some troops just don't understand what you are telling them and that can make you really upset sometimes, trust me. It seems especially hard for Horse archers to use melee when out of arrows.

Graphics: GOOD
I like the feeling of the map area very much. The battle graphics is ok too.

Detail: OK
The detail level on the map area is great, but then in battle I would like even more details. It's cool to zoom in on a fight and se how the men (and women) are hacking at each other.

Music: GOOD
As many other games with battle-music, these tracks vary in feeling and intensity – in both good and bad ways. The calm songs when in the map area are soothing and really nice. But you soon will get bored with the tracks in battle – even if they are pretty well made. The trick to make the music go GREAT for me in this game would be to add a few more tracks for every different event in game.

Cinematic: BAD
I would like to se more movies to get a more personal feeling of my faction. Maybe there could be a more complicated story involved somehow. The short movies when capturing a area with a wonder is nice but still, not enough for me.

Quantity of units / skills / spells / whatever: OK
There could be more types of features, units and special buildings, but then again, there could be a lot less too in a game like this.

Possibilities / Choices to make: GREAT
There are a lot of choices and one run at the game dosn't look like another. You really get to use your strategic abilities.

Story: BAD
As said above, not much of a story really… Ofcourse you play a part that alter world history, but the story feeling that makes or breaks many computer games – are not there.

Tension / Excitement: GREAT
It's always a bit frightening when an unknown army suddenly show up on your part of the map. Even if you use a lot of spies - you can never be too sure of yourself. As the AI is playing with all the other factions the outcome of most battles will be unknown to you, especially in the beginning. One time the Egyptians may become the strongest faction, another time the Scipii, and so forth…

Humor: OK
Well, it really shows that this game is made by gamers/computer nerds. I loooooove the "drunken uncle" feat that once made me laugh out loud with a friend for hours. And there is more fun stuff hidden in the text – especially around the family members and their feats.

Singleplayer / multiplayer usage: OK
I havn't played this game multiplayer but I guess it would be quiet cool to try if you got the time. Because it's a turn based game with long turns I would say that it is more suitable for singleplayer gaming.

Game editor: N/A

Play first with one of the roman factions and become victorious. Then, play with the Parthians! They are a lot of fun with the mighty Cathafracts and the tactical Horse archers at the start. It's a tricky thing to get started with this faction, but just attack as much as you can with the armies in the start and then exterminate every new city you come across. This will surely give you a lot of gaming fun!
And another thing – don't forget to crush the existing religious building in a settlement when you capture it, so you can build up the one that your faction uses.