It is fun at first but after a while, dissapointing...

User Rating: 8.6 | San Goku Shi 11 PS2
As I said in my review for Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10, or X, this one has so many possibilities, so many things that you can do strategically. You can control everything, you can do too many things to be said. And it's in 3D! But there is no real feeling in it. There are barely any cutscenes. It's a bit hard due to all the strategic thinking needed. I would understand to play as I am very much into strategy and tactics, but not everyone would find easy and not everyone will find it hard. it would be just right, but there will always be a tough spt where you may do somthing that could ruin somthing major, or you could hit a hard part and not exactly know what to do, whther or not you are strategically in tact. I'm not sure how long I played, but I do know that after at least after 2-3 months, I got tired of it and started playing my other games. This is an easy to learn game once you get the gist of it. I do recomend the game, it is a good bunch of fun, it will keep you occupied.