A game that feels like it was meant to bridge the gap between the superior Wipeout series titles, and falls a little . .

User Rating: 6 | Rollcage PS
Rollcage will draw many unfavourable comparisons to Wipeout, and with good reason. Although published by the same company, it was developed by all together different group, and this will show in the rather shallow attempts for it too take the crown off of Wipeout. Rollcage is at best, a mediocre racer that attempts to inject something decidedly different to the racing genre by addin the ability of clinging to the walls and ceiling if your vehicle is going fast enough. This in theory sounds great, but is poorly executed in design and practice. It is impossible to get a good racing line when you're racing upside down, and the spped at which you move makes this feel redundant and also dizzying. As with most racers, the main mode, and the one you will be spending most of your time in is Championship mode. Similar to most other races, it requires you to check through first over 3 different courses, against 3 others, in a choice of 4 vehicles. Most of the other modea are here, including Time Attack, Practice and Versus. Rollcage also ships with a 2 player Deathmatch mode. Sound is fantastic. Alhough not up to par off the game it so desperately wants to be, it is very good, and suitable to the games style. Effects are good, and some great tracks can be heard with Fatboy Slim being a personal stand out. However visuals fall short. On single player they are clear, although chunky, and the game moves along quite convincingly at a decent frame rate. However with 2 players, this is a let down, as the frame rate drops, even though you are only racing each other. Yes thats correct. There is no option to play against other AI when you're playing 2 - player, which is a huge blunder on the developers part. There is some great motion blur and lighting effects though, but these are cosmetic additions to a game that is trying to show off and impress you, but is falling short. Where this game really comes undone is its own control system. Copying a format similar to that of Wipeout (read, ripped off), there is basically an accelerator and a brake, as well as hand brakes. There are speed pads and weapons pads to run over as well, keeping up the speed quotient. However a simple bump can have you careering all over the place and smashing into everyting. And unfortunately, you can get stuck. A good addition though is the ability to spin. This helps you get out of tight spots, but it is really an addition which shouldnt have needed to be added and that the levels would be designed that you wouldnt get stuck. But it occurs, and it occurs often. Overall, this is poor mans Wipeout trying to look cool and falling flat. If you can forgive it's faults, you may have a good time with this, but there is much better out there that you can avoid this. Disappointing.