One of the best games ever, Simply game of the year.

User Rating: 10 | Rogue Warrior PC
Rogue Warrior is a revolutionary action game that puts you in the place of a badass Navy seals guy.

Gameplay: First off, the AI is extremely smart and realistic, it has human response and is very flexible to the environment. the sneak mechanics is one of the best, and the shooting mechanics is the best part it feels so good and excitement with every shot and you have a large arsenal of weapons to use! the combat is very fun especially the close quarters.

Graphics: The graphics are AMAZING and well done, the texture is feels realistic and is well drawn, and the models are just enjoyable to look at, sometimes i don't know if its real or just a game.

Story: The story about a soldier doing special operations is a very unique perspective and engaging one it will suck you in to the very end. and the characters are very memorable and lovable so much that it reaches the point you feel you know them personally.

Sound: The sound is wow it feels like its in the room and the voice acting was professionally done and helps create an engaging atmosphere.

I think this is one of the most revolutionary games if not the most, developed in the history, not only does this game have to get game of the year, but game of the century i do not think they will make a game this fun.