The Incredible Super-Automatic Infinite-Ammo Pistol !

User Rating: 2 | Rogue Warrior PC
Wow Bethesda! I'm glad I don't buy games based on previous releases! With titles like Oblivion, Morrowind, Halo___ man....Fallout 3 for heaven's sake! Some of THE best games I've played in my 45 years on Earth.. yet now you come out with this piece of trash, and actually want to charge as if it were a real game?

I'm not sure who was in charge of this project, but, please Bethesda, FIRE HIM or HER!!!

Before I write anything bad about this title, I want to make note of the fact that the graphics look good and run well maxed out. Even though there's hardly anything one can do with the settings to tweak for performance or looks. Basically the game gives you just a couple of options.

1) Motion Blur: off/on
2) Shadow Complexity: Low/Med/High
3) Texture Quality: Low/Med/High
4) Resolution

It gives you wide-screen resolution modes which is good and the least they can do considering the rest of the content.

Basically the entire game lasts what a single mission should. It's divided up into segments and saving checkpoints. Not that most people will ever need to reload the game since you can finish it in basically a little over an hour and even with things set on 'Elites" the highest setting. There's also "Recruits" and "Regulars" as the 'easiest' and 'normal' settings respectfully.
I played it on Elites and am truly glad I did, since anything easier and I might have ended up lighting my desk on fire out of sheer boredom. This game is easy, and I do mean, EASY.

There seems to be some sort of hint at what would have been a pretty good stealth ops game... However regardless if you sneak around or just run at the enemy from behind to cut their throats, they'll never know you're there... aside from the fact that 95% of the guards are staring directly at walls and or have their backs turned, and are apparently retarded, stupid or deaf. I did enjoy the stealth-kill action scenes somewhat, until they got repetitive and predictable.

You can kill guards that are taking cover by basically shooting them literally in the foot repeatedly using your pistol... Blast away, you have UNLIMITED pistol ammo! Oh, and WHAT A PISTOL!
Dudes!! This thing not only has ZERO recoil, it shoots as fast as you can click. So filling the enemy with an endless stream of lead is basically the key here. Forget all the other weapons that seem to be scattered around every corner in excess and all ammo and grenades, just use what I call the "Incredible Super-Automatic Infinite-Ammo Pistol !".

I beat the game's 8 short missions using only the pistol. Was is a challenge? Not one little bit, like I said, this game is VERY EASY aside from boring, linear and an earful of homophobic and profane language.

Speaking of profane...there's Mickey Rourke, wow dude. Not only is it simply disgusting to hear him speak the character bits, it's incredibly annoying. Now I'm a guy that cusses, and a lot. I mean, with Argentine/Italian parents, I cuss BIG TIME. But good ol' Mickey in this title beats me tenfold! I wouldn't mind a few words, in fact i think it's a good idea that a murderous soldier should not keep in all that anger but preferably let go of his rage and let it out with healthy colorful adjectives, but the guy in this title is simply over the top sexually profane.

So here it is, a short, limited, rail-shooter, with OK graphics, a Tourette Syndrome ridden washed up actor and a super infinite-ammo pistol! A wannabe-game that lasts barely over an hour for the price of a REAL GAME...

Good thing someone lent me the DVD___ Had I bought this piece of cow dung, I would have been very sorry!

I give it a 2.0 for the graphics and take away 8 for everything else.