Gimme a brake!

User Rating: 2 | Rogue Warrior PC
This game has surprisingly deceptive graphics. At first you would think that it has to be some major title with awesome action. Unfortunately, it's not the case.

Okay. First, start a new game. Don't touch anything yet! Concentrate. Tell to yourself "I will NOT throw a grenade! I definitely won't throw a grenade!". Try to take it seriously. Now, go on your business. Make a few steps, move in the general direction of your target. Act normally.

Enemies look like characters from ten years ago. The weapons don't sound nor feel like real weapons. Levels feel empty and lifeless. Nightvision sucks. There's basically no enemy AI. I would swear Duke Nukem had better AI.

The only satisfaction comes from killing enemies from behind, which isn't enough to make this utterly boring and dull game enjoyable.

Also, what did I tell you about throwing a grenade? :D

Skip this terrible piece of pre-alpha-concept of a game.