Disappointing First Person Shooter with Limted Story Line

User Rating: 4.5 | Rogue Warrior PS3
Having been expecting this game for some while now, the sumation is nothing but short of disappointing. The first person shooter fails to excite and captivate the user. The opening scences and even the introduction to the first level is borning, benal and any other words that really identify the lack of creativity that the game developers promised.

Simple movement, and abilities are limited in this first person shooter, just the standard run of the mill shooter that lacks AI intellegence and a decent story line. Don't expect an array of weapons, upgrades or abilities that indulge the user into the storyline, making the experience limiting. The only way describe this game is very boring and disappointing to say the least.

For those that enjoy first person shooters, stick to the Call Of Duty game lines, as there is really no comparison.