Sensational re-creation of the 2000AD flavor and war-torn atmosphere.

User Rating: 8.6 | Rogue Trooper PC
Maybe ordinary for people unaware to the fact that Rogue is a fictional character in the sci-fi 2000AD, it becomes a must-have for fans of the comic, due to its story-telling (even if its short), its frantic action pace, and the chance to soldier on as an all-time 2000AD favorite.
As of the gameplay, it offers the chance to face the challenges thrown at you head-on, as a gun-toting, trigger happy grunt, to snipe your way through enemy infested locations, or to silently fall on your unaware enemies as the proverbial death-from-above. It can be said, nevertheless, that the game requieres a blend of all those gameplay styles, and that everyone of them serves the main story development.
It was not an easy task to accomplish, but the game fits well the unusual character´s background. SOUTHSIDE!!!