A nice way to spend your time between two serious games.

User Rating: 7.7 | Rogue Trooper PC
Rogue Trooper is just a shooter.It has nothing new,but it is an intense & pleasant experience.

Graphics:8/10 The graphics do not exceed in everything,they are fair.I would have given them a 7 if the sky texture & landscapes weren't breathtaking.

Sound:9/10 The sound is again OK,but the annoying music(after a while,that's how it gets)& the relatively poor voice acting bring it's quality down.

Gameplay:8/10 Mostly kill all the enamies,destroy some objects or simply get there.Simple.But you have some nice accesories(turret,drone,etc)that can be used.To be honest,I never did.Some weapon/suit/health/grenade upgrades,some new items to be manufactured.But you can acomplish a mission in two ways:Rambo style,or stealth style.The stealth one gives more pleasure.

Value:7/10 It doesen't last long,it ain't very special.

Tilt:7/10 The story is OK & continued in each level.But I never liked blue soldiers fighting russians.