A big impact on two major industries.

User Rating: 9 | Rock Band 2 PS3
-A guitar, drum w/ pedal, and microphone with 80+ songs and DLC? Not a bad little package, and it's come down a lot in price since it was released.
-Popular and high quality music from top artists across the last few decades, for rock fans it's an awesome selection of music.
-A couple thousand different songs that are easy to download, although they do cost $2 each which just isn't worth it for many songs.
-Play with up to 3 other friends at home and compete against others online. This is outstanding for parties or people that love karaoke.
-Variety of difficulties for pros and newbs with tracks that generally make sense and are fun to play.
-A few extras such as the drum trainer are great, especially when trying to master a difficult song.
-Going on tour and building up enough cash to buy better outfits and personnel is pretty fun and there's a lot of different things you can buy.

-A lot of tracks just aren't as much fun as others, and a few can actually get so long and repetetive that you'll want to avoid playing them. The intro song is also extremely annoying.
-A few songs have also been edited from their original recordings which would've been fine if you didn't have to fork over $2 to hear the whole thing first.
-Vocals can be hummed more effectively than if you actually sang the words.
-Guitars still only have the toy-like colored buttons that'll make you feel like you're playing a toddler's xylophone rather than learning an actual instrument. They're addressing this for the next addition to the series, however.
-At the time when I bought it, it cost a lot more and I'm disappointed that I didn't wait. Harmonix has been smart with how they marketed this game, which is not a good thing for impoverished players.