A decent shooter

User Rating: 5.5 | Deadalus SAT
This is an good game, at first. You will notice that it plays similar to doom, and the first few levels are good. But after awhile, it begins to wear thin.

As I said, this game plays a lot like Doom, Wolfenstine 3D or Quake, But lacks the several things that those games had. The game itself moves quite slow. There is a button to speed up, but your character controls like a tank (because he pretty much is one) and the just doesn't control well at all. The levels lack variety and it is possible, from the moment you start playing to skip the entire game using a cheat.

The graphics are nothing special. They look okay for 1995 but, like the levels lack any creativity. The plot is also kind of generic. Perhaps the best thing about this game is the soundtrack, that has a distinctly old-school feel.

This is a very obscure game for a reason. There's not too much that's notable about it. It's okay, but there's just nothing to it.