Ever wanted to play a game where every mission is an escort mission? look no further!

User Rating: 5.4 | Robotech: Battlecry GC
While the core gameplay is satisfying, with the fun fast paced dog fights and the ground Gundam-like combat, the game feels like it oculd've done so much more in terms of mission design. Besides 1 or 2 levels in the 28 that are offerd, all of them are or are involved some way with escort missions. This may not be bad news as sometimes in escorts, the enemy isnt as bright as it should be and attacks you as well as the target. Unfortunatley this isnt so for Battlecry. The Mechs will ceaslessly attack what you are trying to protect and not even pay you any mind, as they dive kamikaze style into your planes and ravage your little tanks carrying people. Too hard and too often are the best words to describe these missions, as well as the fact that there are almost no destroy missions, resulting in a very frusrating gaming experience. If you are completely enamored with escort missions, this is the game for you, everyone else steer clear