An extremely fun game that shouldn't be missed!

User Rating: 9.8 | Gigantic Drive PS2
Sure it's an old game, but RAD is still one of my favorites. The game is simply amazing and it's extremely fun. Sure, the characters are kind of lame and some of the storyline plots are a bit... odd, but overall the game is wonderful.

The game looks great for a PS2 game, the control scheme is actually really fun once you get into it, and the whole game is simply just a blast. It's an interesting twist on the usual giant mecha games where you usually sit inside a cockpit and that's about it, or control your mecha in third person. In RAD you actually control both your mecha and your character seperately, switching between one and the other, which makes you have to come up with some tactics to defeat your opponent. Your view will always be from the view of your character when in "robot mode", but you wont always have a great view so you'll have to move around and get into different positions to get a better view. This is actually a really neat, and really fun, element and adds a lot to the game.

If you like giant robot games you really need to pick this up and give it a shot. This game is an instant classic! The game is a few years old now but it's still one of the best.