User Rating: 6.7 | Gigantic Drive PS2
Pretty f'ing dope. They let you stomp around in these gigantic robots, knocking the living hell out of each other, in quasi-living cities. Driving your kid around to spec out the best view of the action (and thus control of it) is surreal. One of the triumphs of this game is that it's a wonderful simulation of what YOU'D see in this situation. Not some isometric, hud laden interface. Just what some punk kid standing on the top of a sky scraper would see as he RCs the city to it's knees. The single player is dogged by an apparently purposely retarded storyline, which you can't skip (FYI, this is to "mask" the loading of game assets...either this or a thermometer bar). One day I may be bored enough to slog through that. The MP is fun and the dual combats between the robots and the kids controlling them is unique and challenging. The decision in split screen to jump out of your robot to reposition your kid when the opponent does so is tempting, or do you just wail on the un-controlled enemy robot? Many a match of mine ended with my opponent purposely hunting my kid, as well as my own robot collapsing into my building and knocking the crap out of me. Even the kids have some type of grenade they can hurl at each other if they ever manage to get close enough. Fascinating! Needs a serious graphics update, easier view manipulation for the kid (i.e. pre determined *useful* spawn points), and something crazy like a playable 'city' team/8 player MP/superhero citizens and you'd make history.