RAD is an extremely innovative adventure with many fun ideas that haven't been done before!

User Rating: 9.4 | Gigantic Drive PS2
Robot Alchemic Drive is a game where you pretty much control a huge robot and pit it in battle with other enemies of equal size. You can choose between 3 characters, and throughout the game's story mode you use 3 upgradable robots. What makes this game special is the control scheme it uses to move the robot around by using the r and l triggers to move its legs, and both joysticks for it's arms. Not only that, but you actually can only see the robot from a first person view of the human controlling it, so you will want to get to good areas to view and control the fights. RAD is an extremely innovative adventure with many fun ideas that haven't been done before! The gameplay of RAD gets re-used quite often, a basic mission just has some kind of robot fight and you win. Fights however can become really exiting, because there's almost an infinite amount of camera angles. What you'll have to do is switch off between the character's controls, to the robot's controls in order to efficiently move around. When traveling a long distance in a crowded city, it's best to jump up onto your robot and ride it to your destination. Fighting can be fun up close, because you actually use the joysticks to control the robot's arms. By curving the joystick you can hook punches and all sorts of moves. The graphics do a real nice job of having almost every building in the game destroyable. The movements of the enemies pull together really nicely considering how much they end up doing. Most of the cinema scenes are made by expressional portraits of the characters, along with full voiced dialogue. The sound is nothing special, but doesn't get very annoying. All the talking that goes on in the game would be really boring without the voices, so I commend the effort put into making them. Overall, RAD is definitely not the kind of game you can enjoy fully from a rental. Once you finally beat the game, you might even want to do it again with a different character. There are over 50 unique missions for you to accomplish, and you can set up a battle with a friend and choose to control any of the enemy robots, as well as the ones from story mode. RAD perfectly creates a mood of invading alien robots in a city, and a battle to the finish with a brave hero controlling a super machine. Overall, you should definitely pick up this game, it's very fun and is worth a long time of playing.