The movie hero comes to the X Box 360.

User Rating: 9 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy X360
This is one of the few games with which I can say, I liked it more than I thought I would. Movie adaptations have a way of being less than fluid in the control department, but this time they got it right. You can fight, crouch, run and scope out the landscape with ease. The techniques look like real jiu jitsu. Even the music and the pacing are done to resemble a real film. I've seen all the Bourne films, and read the books, and this title doesn't divert too far from the themes and settings of the established series. (A note for fans of Shenmue-- you will be reminded of that game by the fight scenes here.) The level bosses are truly difficult to defeat. You will have to try your full array of combos, blocks and dodges in order to end each round. Those who don't know the background will still find this to be a game that quickly involves the player in survival and problem solving. Think on your feet, and don't slow down for a second.