Bourne is back starring on the Playstation 3 with his all new action game, The Bourne Conspiracy!

User Rating: 8.5 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy PS3
Now lets get one thing straight at the start here, okay. Jason Bourne is an assassin who is being tracked by the goverment around the world. There
have been a few books and movies made about it, and really good ones too. The films are really intense action with a whole load of suspence gripping onto you the whole time, and that is what the game does'nt bring, intense action and suspence like the Bourne action films. It does'nt. Its just plain fighting. It is still a good game though apart from that. More freedom would be good. Theres only one ay to go in misssions except from the car chase in town but thats a tiny area. If they made it an open free roaming city where Bourne was being hunted everywhere he went and had to sneek about with fake passports avoiding goverment agents and stuff, it would be amazing, but...its still pretty good though freedom would be a great feature. Now the fighting sequences are pretty cool, you keep on continuesly tapping the button until finaly it gives you a combo, it might be twisting a guys arm and throwing him into a shelve where all the books fall down on top of him or it could be a simple big kick to the face into a stone plantpot. The fighting sequences are really immensely satisfying and are really fun to play about with. Now throughout the game you will come across hundreds of button press sequences which switch you into a cutscene pressing the buttons at the right time when they appear o the screen in the crrect place. These are on other games as well. The thing is you'll be so busy concentrating on hitting the right button that you probably wont concentrate on the cutscene that much. The demo is available on the Playstation Store and is one of the biggest files you can possibly download off the Playstation Store. Its something like 1,800MB or something. Though the demo provides you with 3 full levels to play through. Yes! 3 full levels! Though the levels are easy and short and youu should zoom to the end of the demo in under an hour. Though I put it on easy difficulty. If you get stuck on a level in the demo its okay because you can go back to the main menu and pick another level. Its a good game which could have been a lot better though regardless of it is still a fantastic game! The Bourne Conspiracy brings an action packed game that is un-intense but great entertainment if your a Bourne fan! I personally like this game but i hope in the future in 2009 or 2010 they might make a free roaming Bourne game which I explained up there. Do that High Moon Studios and I will be really happy! Thanks for reading my review on The Bourne Conspiracy! Bye! And my PSN- gameaddict10