Honestly, this game is like a good book that just ended 200 pages too early. Good game, but could have been great.

User Rating: 8 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy PS3
In terms of gameplay, the only issue I had with it was the gun fighting. I think it was pretty simplistic and way too easy to master. It also took away from the realism of the Bourne movies. The Gun take downs could have also been a little better as well as varied to Bourne's surroundings like how its done with the Hand-to-Hand takedowns. The Hand to Hand combat in this game was its major strong point. This made the game much more addictive as well as the fast paced story line. There were points in the game that were fairly easy and others that were just impossible to beat sometimes. Overall though the game play was good and the creators did a good job in that department.

The major issue with this game is the length. After I defeated the last boss, the game just ended and left me feeling like, "what the... thats it!?" Maybe this was a good thing if the creators are making a sequel but if not, then I think they should have at least added the rest of the story to it (sorry to spoil it). Had that been done, this game could have easily gotten a 9 if not higher. It left me feeling like it was something I should rent instead of buy because of its length. With a longer story line, this game would have had more depth as well as replay value, the difference between a rentable game and a game worth buying. I think the creators tried to do something great, and they could have if they just added a bit more, especially for those who are avid fans of the Bourne Trilogy. All in all this game gets an 8, good game and good foundation, hopefully this lays the track for future work that will entertain us for longer then a day and keep us fascinated by Jason Bourne.