A rarity among movie licensed games...A must for your collection when it's in the bargain bin!

User Rating: 8 | Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy X360
I decided to add this game to my collection shortly after playing the demo. I have seen all three Bourne films and I am really impressed with this game. It seems really authentic to the films. The atmosphere is all captured here and makes you feel like your playing the movie! It's a great feeling.

The Gameplay
The gameplay of this game is great but it isn't perfect by all means. The game has three elements to it; fighting hand to hand, shooting and driving. All three aspects have their weaknesses and strengths.

The shooting portion of the game is nice but I feel this is where the opportunity for Sierra is missed. The aiming system is a tad bit hard to line up in desperate situations (like surrounded by hordes of enemies with deadly aim). And the thing about the shooting levels that just get under my skin the most is the cover system. It simply sux, especially after playing shooters like Gears of War, and Tom Clancy's games. If the cover system was as good as it is in those games, this game would've gotten a 8.5 at least. It's frustrating when you are running from enemy fire and you get to a low barrier pressing A and Bourne just stands there and continues to get shot at. It seems as though there is a delay between pressing A to get to cover and the actual animation taking over. It kills me!! Literally.

The driving portion just needs work period. It's very basic and seems as though no physics at all were used in driving, dodging cars and whatever else. lol Its funny to watch but it kinda takes away from the Bourne movie feel because it feels so fake. The driving part I could do without...nice try though.

The hand to hand combat is where the movie feeling really comes into play. You know when you saw the film and when you saw Bourne fighting with books and newspapers and beating the dude up your reaction was like "OOOO That Was TIGHT!!" Well same reaction here. The fighting combos look really good and the enemies responses are on point when getting hit by a blow to the gut and etc. The boss fights can get ridiculously long and difficult sometimes and the fighting combos can get a lil repetitive but it looks so good you don't mind so much.

Sound and Presentation

Feels good when you hear the music as you Drive, Shoot, and Fight the different enemies and bosses in the game. The soundtrack is authentic and keeps you engaged in the game and makes it really feel like your actually Jason Bourne. When the start screen comes on and you here the music, you know that it's evident the creators wanted to make this game as good as it looks.

The graphics are on point...granted the characters don't look like their film counterparts, which is disappointing, but it's all good. The sound is their to relieve the pain lol. It looks and sound great, everything from Bourne's signature groan when throwing and punch or round house kicking someone to shooting a barrel as it explodes in your enemies face. Its Awesome!!


I believe this game is a good pick up for anyone looking for a good Action/Movie based game. I got mine for around 30 bucks so I felt this was worth it but not so much for a full $60 when it's not perfect. Well not so much perfect but flawed enough to prevent it from being an 9.0 rated game. Hope this review helps ya'll. PeAce!!