very disapointing, highly overated

User Rating: 4 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi Riviera GBA
Very disapointing, highly overated. Very far from all the RPGs that i've played. Not what i,ve expected and read about from its reviews. Its breakable weapon rule will make you spend lots of your playing hours in practice mode. This lame game is for beginners. Though I rather not advise it for newbie rpg players because it would turn them off to the rpg genre. Better stick to the Final Fantasy Series or other rpgs. Very disapointing, highly overated. Very far from all the RPGs that i've played. Not what i,ve expected and read about from its reviews. Its breakable weapon rule will make you spend lots of your playing hours in practice mode. This lame game is for beginners. Though I rather not advise it for newbie rpg players because it would turn them off to the rpg genre. Better stick to the Final Fantasy Series or other rpgs