A great game with the best graphics FOR gba voices and a very very rare game

User Rating: 8.8 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi Riviera GBA
This game has basically the best graphics for GBA the sounds and voices are just incredible!right now this game's value is HIGH!!! I MEAN HIGH!!!!! this game is very rare to find anywhere!i heard that they only sent two shipments not cause the game bad or for some other reason...the price is like more then 50 right now cause of its rarity! the gameplay..well its only good..nothing else everything else is GREAT! lmao! although you mainly use a button this game has plenty of stragety in it! RPG lovers who think this game sucks..is worth your collection since it has a high value! plus two shipments into usa only! only thousands i think....so if it sucks thats just your opinion im fine with that!