Very very nice...:)

User Rating: 9.4 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi Riviera GBA
Very good game and one of the best rpg on GBA, I think. STORY
I say only in shortcut...Our main hero is just invade the Riviera because demons are appearing there and this place was chosen for restore missing force of Utgard which threaten following war and arrival Ragnarok. And a fate makes that our hero wake up without memory somewhere in Riviera and...and exactly, the rest we must see for own...:) GAMEPLAY
I must to tell that very rarely we gettig so original gameplay in the game. When we play first time we must get used to specific non - typical solutions. First we can't move our heros such like, for example, in famous course Final Fantasy. We don't have so freedom in movement. All actions consist to choose where we want to go or what we want to do in each lacation. And I must say that is very succesful conception. Almost everything it's simiralry to other rpg's.
Magnificent.:) All effects of magic and especially backgrounds are standing on very high level. Tickling the eyes ;)
Not bad but for me nothing special.
As you see I said only good thing about Riviera The Promised Land but it have one big minus for me. I finished game in 23 ours. That is too short. The game is sure worth playing xD