Will end up being in the ranks of other Atlus classics so if you don't want to pay a bunch for it later buy it now

User Rating: 9 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi Riviera GBA
I work at a game store so I usually know when something is coming out (especially good RPGs) but when this title came in I had no idea what it was. I saw "Atlus" and cute little anime characters with wings so I thought "I'll give it a try". I guess girly instinct to want that which is cute worked out really well this time. I love the characters, the game play, the story, items, quality, and most everything else. At points the battles are be a little hard and a couple of times frustrating but you end up finding out you can practice to get better. I really like how you gain status too by using different weapons. I felt it was different from the usual game in a good way. Usually, I get pretty bored if I have to do something like "practice" to further myself in a game instead of as you go a long but its actually fun to do. You can change your enemy and work on one character or another because using your items doesn't count against you until you use them in a real battle. You get to save a lot so if you do get a Game Over you don't have to go ALL the way back, to that one point that you don't want to be in and do ALL that stuff over again.
Now some of the negative! I don't really like the sound quality all that much. When you select items there's a high pitch ring that can really get on your nerves especially if you have a headache! I can ignore it though and the music makes up for it. In the beginning you might get the impression you get to be on the Dark side of things since you're a grim angel and all, but if you get too hopeful you might be disappointed. Of course, you assume the position of the good guy. I would have liked a change in pace and been Ledah as the main character (hey we can't all have what we want). Also, some people may find the controls to be limiting and a bit annoying at times. I actually like them myself, but if you don't "look" in each area you could miss something pretty easily. You run into a lot of traps too and if you don't dodge them you'll find yourself losing status (such as lose 5% of your max HP, ouch!) You need fast reactions, or patience to go back and try it again.You have set paths so you can't roam any. But, if you've played Killer 7 and liked it, you'll have no problem with this game.
Overall, I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes RPGs, especially Atlus fans, and even someone who doesn't play RPGs too often. Enjoy! I am.