A Beat Them Up that plays REALLY great on the Game Boy Advance!

User Rating: 10 | Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX GBA

Some games take a LOT longer than others to get popular recognition. Take "River City Ransom EX" for example. Although the game had already been released 12 years prior on the NES and the Game Boy, the game only had OKAY sound, music, control, graphics, and challenge. Such a game might not seem to have a place in the 32 bit market. But Nintendo proved that "River City Ransom" just needed to wait for the RIGHT video game system to TRULY make an impact! Although its basically the same script and story from the original NES game, the execution is pulled off a lot better! Thankfully, the AWESOMELY bad original translations of the Japaneese text are still left intact; making it cheesy, but in a very GOOD way! The sound, music, control, graphics, and challenge are MILES better on the GBA than they were on the NES, and there are a variety of ways one can get through this game! Oddly enough though, this game has YET to receive a PROPER sequel! So far, the only other "River City Ransom" games available are sporting ventures on the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, and the Nintendo 3DS. But for Beat Them Up Games, this is one of the best there is!