If you like Beat'em ups and you get used to this one, your going to love it.

User Rating: 9 | Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari NES
This game I have to say is really good. The graphics aren't too good of course but the music is memorable. If you get use to the style of this game in terms of fighting, you'll be addicted to it. All though the strange part about it that I've noticed was that gang members only come in 2s (I've been playing 1 player mode, haven't tried coop yet). I think they did a fine job with AI for the different gangs, for example, some beginning gangs are easy to take care of but if you don't get any stronger and go further ahead, the stronger gangs will be pretty smart and know how to kick your ass. It's great that you can build your stats any way by eating, but it's too bad they didn't use stat builders by fighting, it's different though which makes it pretty cool. Overall, the game is fun if it impresses you.