Its just like board game RIsk, just a little more

User Rating: 6.5 | Risk: Global Domination PS2
Risk has come to the Ps2 and most of it is pretty normal. There is not a whole lot to do except to play Risk although to be fair the game does has some achievements to unlock. Even then, the achievements are not all that great. The game also provides several opponents to play against but they do not seem that much different. Further more, the battles seem very generic and it would have been nice to see a cut scene or two about the battles. However, when it comes to the sound, once again nothing much there. The other AI players tend to speak the lines over and over again and there are few sound effects available.Graphics once again are just decent if not fantastic, the map is well lit but very boring. Furthermore there are not any other maps available. Other than that it does its job well- which is to provide people a game of risk available to 6 players on the Ps2. This game does exactly that. No more, no less. A suggestion to improve it would have been to include the other versions of Risk as well just to add extra replay value to it. Ultimately, it is a shallow game which does not warrant paying over $20 for it. Even then, you will get more fun playing the real life Risk as the game shows the amount of soldiers by number. Which is very boring after a while.