Jump in, start the ignition and away we go! QUICK, FUN and to the point!

User Rating: 6.8 | Ridge Racer DS DS
To be honest here, I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this game. I k new it wouldn't be like Underground and because it's been so long since I've been into anything other than the NFS series of racers, I think perhaps I forgot what it was like to just have a fast and fun little racer game that you can just pop in and get some good action out of any time you feel like it.

This game is not at all complcated and you'll see that from the first time you try it. This game is just fun with not a lot of strategy involved. In 10 minutes you're pretty much on your way to conquering what this game has to offer. Gameplay is somewhat unrealistic, but when it comes to racers, how many of us really do 180mph down city streets while crashing into walls? My point, don't expect an in-depth racing game here. This is for lack of a better word, SIMPLE in gameplay and design. The graphics are colorful enough to catch your eye and the controls are easy to master.

This is a good rental and if you like it enough, BUY IT