My thoughts on The ever underated Ridge Racer DS.

User Rating: 8.1 | Ridge Racer DS DS
I going to start of by admitting something... I love ridge racer DS.
And another thing... I really hate and despise Need For Speed Underground 2 DS.
I have owned both games, I had Need For Speed for about a week before i traded it in. But enough about the seeping cess pit.

Ridge Racer is good on-the-go arcade racer fun, Its a game that is unbreakable until you learn the courses.
As soon as you know when to let off the accelerator and when to loll to the left, your in the sweet spot.
The essential objective of Ridge Racer is to get the fastest car possible and avoid hitting the sides of the course. Do this and you'll meet unmitigated success.
The courses get steadily more complicated till this simple objective becomes nearly impossible.
This is perfect if you want to spend ages working at a game until you reach a position where you cannot be beaten. In that sense it is like an RPG in your own head.

The worst feature of Ridge Racer DS is the retarded touch-screen based control system... its completely pointless.
As someone who plays Gran Turismo using the d-pad I firmly believe that simple eight directional controls are all you need to play a racing game.
The second worst feature is the all that rubbish during the start up!
I want to drive my car!
And finally if I could change one thing about the game it would be to make the "Quick Race" option (which puts you in a short 12 man race from one of the early levels) a little harder, its ridiculously easy.