A complete port with little new features. Why did they think it would be better this time around?!

User Rating: 5.8 | Ridge Racer DS DS
It wasn't the most talked about game back in it's N64 days, so its very unlikely that it would be this time around either. The controls are irritating, even if you stick with the game with the attitude that goes like "I'll get used to it eventually" ... what does the game do? ... makes a course where you can do nothing but crash, with loads of turns within 10 secs, so even if you did get used to the controls, by the time you get to that level you would put you DS back down!! This game was obviously a hope to make money by selling it alongside the first sales of the DS, and by adding the touch screen steering, I can only assume they were trying to get people intrigued ... beware of this, the touch screen steering is, although intriguing, the most uncomfortable steering imaginable: on an easy course it can work fine, but as you reach harder levels it can't seem to turn corners well so you end up never using it again. The interface is simple enough to use with the touch screen, which makes it quick to navigate ... the graphics are good, but not great. The courses are surreal: there is no evidence of roads leading away from the courses such as you may find in Asphault, so how do all those cars get there in the first place? At least Asphault makes some sence! Oh, if you want to get the game anyway, remember to turn of the guy who just yaks all the way through the game ... when you doing the last stretch, its him who you'll be iritated with at the end of the day because he'll distract you easily. The one thing that I have not experienced is multiplayer ... you'll have to judge that for yourselves. It depends if your playing with competitive people!! This game seems like an ex-arcade game, but not really suitable for the home consoles or travel consoles. And as for learning curves: I think I mentioned a lot about the awkward controls so you never actually learn the full controls. As for gameplay, the only reason why you would want to continue playing is that you hope the next level is better!