Slide to Hell

User Rating: 1 | Ride to Hell: Retribution PS3

Perhaps a better title for this game would be 'Slide to Hell' since that is essentially all that you are capable of performing in this game. After seeing the litany of negative reviews this game received, I have spent quite some time trying to look for anything good or meaningful to say about this game. Unfortunately, there is literally nothing good or redeemable to this steaming pile of manure that we were forced to play.

The most disappointing thing about this game is that the basic, bare-bones plotline had so much potential. An open world biker rpg set in a post-Vietnam era America as the protagonist lives with his PTSD from extensive combat? What really makes me mad about this game was the potential it had and failed to deliver.

Instead, we were handed a game that came at a deceptive sale price with a significant amount of hype built up around it before its release, only to disappoint us in every way possible. The plotline is dry and poorly executed, the sex scenes are so blatantly juvenile and lacking, and the gameplay is so horrible that I actually considered thrashing my pc just to get some small measure of petty vengeance.

I would say that this game would make a great party prank, but I would rather not become charged with 'cruel and unusual punishment' for doing so. If there was a way for me to give this an even lower rating, I would.