Absolutely Horrid

User Rating: 3.4 | Rhem 2 PC
I thought I would purchase this game due to the good review it received on an adventure website that I frequented. Being an adventure game fan, I thought that since the game was made recently that it would have decent graphics and resondably good game play. Boy was I wrong.

First off, the graphics seemed as if they were made in 1992. It was a real disappointment to see them when I first started to play the game. I thought maybe they would get better. However, they didn’t. You would think that with the technology that is available today that you could overcome this issue, even if this is a mom and pop game design studio.

Next was the game play. The Myst type of point and click when moving about doesn’t really cut it with this game. It’s clunky and a bit choppy. The puzzles are “extremely” difficult and not very imaginative.

All in all if you’re into puzzle games that are extremely difficult and don’t care about the graphics and sound then this game is for you. But if you’re an avid adventure game player as myself, I would suggest that you stay far far away from this game.