Why everyone disses this game is a shocker. It really isn't that bad, but it is not the greatest game also.

User Rating: 6 | Revolution X SNES
To be honest, I am not a big Aerosmith fan so I don't know why I bought this game, other than the fact it was $2.

Graphics: 5/10 - The levels are long and somewhat unique, but they tend to use the same character guy over and over again with no difference in it. There are some detailed parts of the game, but nothing special.

Story :2/10 - Yeah, an alliance between a government and corporation has made and their plan is to ban music and start a war with the youth of the world. For some reason, they capture Aerosmith and as a fan, you have to go rescue them and destroy the Alliance ca..... the story is crap and we will leave it at that.

Gameplay: 5/10 - Light gun games are fun to play if you have a gun. I used the controller and still had some fun playing it. Nothing to innovative about the gameplay. Sounds: 2/10 - Like I said earlier, not a big Aerosmith fan. They use about four Aerosmith songs and loop a certain part over and over and over and over and over again. Its not that annoying if you mute the TV.

Innovation: 1/10 - Nothing innovating here.

Controls: 5/10 - If you use a light gun, then the controls are simple. Point and shoot. If you use the controller, the just move the reticle with the D-Pad and use a button to shoot. Oh yeah, you can also throw CDs too.

Overall: 6/10 - This is not an average. I know everyone thinks it a horrible game, but it kept me occupied for about an hour. Nothing stellar, but not bad enough to get a 1 or a 2.

Rent, Buy or Avoid - Buy. Buy it if you collect video game (like me), but if your friend has it, just play it at their house.