Crash Twinsanity Review

Crash Twinsanity is a game worthy of any mobile platformer fan's library.

Crash Twinsanity is a two-dimensional, side-scrolling platformer with a twist. This time, instead of battling longtime nemesis Neo Cortex, Crash must work with him to fight a common adversary: a set of malevolent twins from the 10th dimension. Apparently, even when dealing with superstring theory, the old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," still applies. In the game, the two partners move along parallel paths, and they must work together to overcome obstacles. The resulting gameplay is interesting and fun, as players must stay two steps ahead of Cortex, but still ensure his and Crash's safety.

Regardless of the danger before him, Cortex mindlessly barrels ahead.
Regardless of the danger before him, Cortex mindlessly barrels ahead.

After a brief tutorial, Crash and Cortex begin in earnest, going about the business of circumnavigating the spikes and bottomless pits that have been platforming mainstays for two decades. Only Crash, who can perform his typical spins and double jumps, is controlled by the player, while Cortex consistently charges forth, regardless of the obstacles in his path. Half the challenge is keeping the inept Cortex alive--a feat accomplished through a lot of switch pressing. Cortex will occasionally prove himself useful by clearing the terrain for Crash, and he is therefore essential to your mission. Partner-based play in single-player games can be an annoyance, but it actually works pretty well here. Gameplay mechanics that would otherwise feel tired are given new life.

Crash Twinsanity is only occasionally aggravating, due to its finicky control. Double jumps sometimes fail to execute, especially when commands are entered too quickly. As many of the game's traps require Crash to jump perfectly so he covers the maximum distance, any slip up means a lost life. However, in general, the game's difficulty isn't overwhelming.

Crash's sprite-based graphics are colorful, and they take advantage of the Motorola V600's Java processing prowess. Crash and Cortex look a great deal like their three-dimensional console counterparts, and, as a result, their characters really come across well. The game also moves at a decent frame rate.

Cortex seems to aid Crash almost unwittingly.
Cortex seems to aid Crash almost unwittingly.

The game's audio is pretty lacking, however. An unimpressive tune accompanies Crash's splash screen. Apart from that, you won't hear any audio--not even a mournful ditty for when Crash or Cortex succumbs to a dynamite blast.

Crash Twinsanity is a pure platformer with a single, but considerable innovation. You won't find any epic enemy encounters here (apart from your final battle with the twins), but you will get some tried-and-true platforming, revitalized through the inclusion of your artificial intelligence partner. Cortex's mindless meanderings are neatly explained by the backstory, which suggests he's in fear for his life, but it would have nonetheless been nice to have a more intelligent partner. That gripe notwithstanding, Crash provides a couple of hours of enjoyment, and it is a game worthy of any mobile platformer fan's library.

The Good

  • Tried-and-true gameplay
  • The partner mechanic works well
  • Great graphics
  • Decent value
  • Good character likenesses

The Bad

  • No in-game audio
  • Control needs to be tighter
  • Nothing terribly revolutionary, in terms of gameplay
  • More enemy encounters would be nice
  • Cortex seems mindless

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