A sci-fi perspective of world war II with great graphics and a large no. of weapons.Dissappointing ending.

User Rating: 8.8 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein PC
Wolfenstein by current standards is still pretty good stuff especially in the graphics department also the sound is very good if run it on high and all this on a 32mb video card and 128mb ram.Any way if you look at the models in the cutscenes u know this game is old pretty old.The weapons are ver ycool except for the mp40 which looks like a toy.This game focuses on a sci-fi aspect of world war 2.U chiefly deals with behind the enemy line missions.The stealth action is pretty good.The german accent is such that it really bores the crap outta me.The game definiitely offers some tough gameplay situations but the ending was really dissappointing.The graphics are once again pretty good.It does have some several breakable environments which are fun to break.The mg42 is major league crap.There are however no vehicles which u can drive nor any artillery weapons that u can man.There is lot of gore throughout the game and many creations off the mind of mad german scientists that includes zombies and very many other weirdos.Levels are mostly different though at times I've felt seriously bogus.U may wanna try this out just fpr the different ww2 outlook.Music is bit dissappointing.I think this is the only kind of shooter of it's type with reference to the story.Worth a shot.Achtuuuuuuuuuung!!!!!!!!