The Main Graphics Review

User Rating: 7.3 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
Hello and welcome to my first review ever!

So,to start,some good points and bad points about the graphics:

Good Points:
+ The costumes of the soldiers look very nice and detailed
+ The weapons are OK,but when you shoot,it is pretty bad,like,there is only a bit of fire,you don't see the actual bullet come out of the guns,thought,i give it a + for the details
+ The map is very nice,really,exept for the snow,but hey,it is pretty fine for me

Bad Points:
- The explotions from the granades,etc. suck pretty bad..
- The fire from the flamethrower
- graphichs can get choppy when alot of people are playing

Voila,and now how much i give this graphics?

Overall game: 7.3/10

Well,that's it for now!

See ya later!

Grtz from TDM

PS. I don't do spell check,i'm too lazy,so sorry for bad english