One question, "Why NOT download this game?"

User Rating: 8.4 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
"Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" is the free, stand-alone multiplayer game released 3 years ago. It is still very active, there are tons of games you can join. It is awesome. You can start the game, and get into a match in 2 minutes tops.

Well, I downloaded this game yesterday, and I'm already very impressed. As alot of you know, this game is free. That reason alone is a good one to get this game.

It took me about 5 minutes to understand all of the controls. It is VERY simple to learn. I'm still not "good" at the game, but that's to be expected. Basically, if you have ever played a FPS before, you shouldn't have any trouble picking up this game. I mean that in a good way. Also, I really think that the game types are cool. You have levels were you must defend or attack a stronghold by destroying or repairing tanks (while that might not sound amazing, it really is cool). Or stealing or defending gold, etc.

While the fact that it is free is one of it's strongest points, it also turns out to be one of its weakest. Because it is free, it can be easily hacked into and exploited. Although that has never happened to me, it is definitely a problem.

The graphics, are definitely dated, but that is what is to be expected from a game that is a few years old, and a game that is free, so I really don't have a problem with them.

The sound isn't amazing, it doesn't really add or take away from the game though. Some of the guns sounds could be more realistic, but I'll say it again. The game is free.

Free game+good, easy game play = a winner in my book.

What are you waiting for? Download the game!