Download this,You wount get bored.

User Rating: 9.1 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
There are many games out there that are buffed up with great visuals,awsome game-play,outstanding storyline and much more. W:ET is a RTCW based game that isnt much about realism but more about the fun. Sure the graphics and quite wounded. Sure the game-play is not that super,but W:ET is FREE. Yes its a no-charge`er wich means there will always be people playing this game. Not only does this game have like a ton of mods,changes,maps and other things that change the game-play but its overall fun to play. Theres no way you can get confused in this game,you just be stunned...Players bunny-hoping,snipers killing stuff at close range,medics reviving fatally wounded soldiers with a poke form needle....yes sir if you want to play a TOTALY confusing but funny game W:ET is your best friend. Overall W:ET is a super-charged non-stop twiligth-zone.

Name : CrazyBunny
Server IP (good server trust me) :