Greatest Game ever made!

User Rating: 9.2 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
Enemy Territory puts you on the shoes of an Soldier, you can choose what you wish to be. Axis or the Allied. Enemy Territory takes place in WWII when Axis and Allied are fighting together.. ET Has many servers you can play in. Either it be Only-Knife servers,duel servers, or just funny/maniacly wierd servers! Enemy Territory is , personally, the best WWII Game I've ever played. ET is great for a free game.


GAMEPLAY: Gameplay.. Wow. What can I say, you can choose classes, gain xp and gain ranks, revive your teammates, plant mines, poison people.. Or either do an vehicle objective. There is just to much to do in gameplay! Although the running is a little bit.. hmm. Robotic imo :P but its fine.

GRAPHICS: Graphics, hmmph, graphics are fine. Sometimes when your infront of your teammate/soldier , the face looks unrealistic and rocky. SOUND:Sound is good too. A little music would be good for ET :P

REPLAY VALUE: You can just keep on playing this game for hours and hours and not ever get bored. So many servers, so little time!

I'd recommend ET to anyone. It is a must-play!