Its FREE Its FUN Its dare i say? FREE FUN

User Rating: 9.7 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
Its a great game I say! Because its FREE!!!!!!!!!1111one1111!!!!

Graphics:The graphics are good not the best but good. Also it runs with a smooth frame rate. The game runs on a quake 3 engine.

Sound:There are alot of sound effects in this game which makes you want to stay in a server sometimes. The gun sounds are great too. Also there is a wide variety of radio commands. The only thing i found annoying was a commander say "There is a mine in the feild! Check your command map!" over and over... (ugh..)

Gameplay: Fun aabsolutely fun! No single player, but the multiplayer is great!
But when you connect to a server just expect alot of downloaded for mods and sounds and all that. But when your actually in the game its real good. The objectives are very team based. There is a couple classes which involve solider,medic,engineer, and field op.

Overall its great.
Download it now