If you have non-56k download this now. This is like a crazy good (free) fps with some crazy good mods.

User Rating: 9.6 | Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory PC
If you have half a gigabyte of storage in a PC and a decent information, and a searching for a fun fps, look no further! 1. This game is free

2. There are people to play online with

3. True Combat Elite is a really fun mod based on counterstrike (I haven't played CS but people say it is better than CS)

Dislikes-If you are a n00b don't go out in open spaces or you will be shot. In both TCE and ET shotguns are weak, Headshots dont kill unless powerful snipers, in ET you can't snipe until you are a General, bullets magically are more powerful when you zoom in, people can use aimbots, and it is hard to tell friend from foe. Likes-free so if you don't like it theres always "Recycle bin"