Very buggy, not much of a ride, but should appeal to hack'n'slash fans who fancy cyberpunk.

User Rating: 6.5 | Restricted Area (2005) PC
Everything is outdated, retro perhaps, from the formulaic gameplay, the dull visual design, the half-hearted sound design to the generic storyline. It's not bad considering that there's a refreshing touch to the environment from a usual fantasy setting like Tower of the Undead Lich to something such as Oxygenetic Factory. The idea is cool but the developers did not make full use of this license to make it greater. In fact, they seem to be contented with Oxygenetic Prison, Oxygenetic Factory, blah factory 2, blah blah factory 3 and so on...what a waste.

The action actually boils down to pure mouse clicking on the enemies via guns like sub-machine guns and shotguns. The variety seems a lot, but they look and do the same thing mostly. The 4 characters are varied enough though to make you want to try them out separately, which is a good thing on replayability, but the core action is quite dull, not to mention that there are various random bugs that can prevent you from completing even the main game. If not for the unpredictable bugs, Restricted Area could have had a better score in terms of the nostalgic gameplay alone. Treasure hunting is also not as fun as most hack'n'slash games because the variety is so limited. However, given the persistent gamer that I am, I managed to complete this by avoiding all the bugs from frustrating replays and manual backups of save files and I'm glad that I won't touch it again.
