Resistance 3 is a much darker and somber finish to the excellent trilogy.

User Rating: 8 | Resistance 3 PS3
Resistance has gone through a great deal of changes since the first game. The third game in the series now showcases Joseph Capelli as the lead in the absence of Nathan Hale. Since the end of the second game, a cure has been developed for the Chimera virus, but humanity is near the brink of extinction. The Chimera have begun terraforming the planet into a frozen wasteland where they can survive.

Resistance 3 brings back many of the things that made the first game unique have returned. The auto healing is no longer there replaced with healing kits like the first game. The weapon wheel also returns allowing you to carry as many weapons as you want. Most importantly, co-op campaign mode is back now.

Aside from these returning favorites, there are also several new guns including the cryogun which freezes and shatters enemies and the mutator which causes enemies to develop large cysts until they explode. Each these guns are necessary at certain points of the game and you're going to have to think strategically when to use them. These weapons can also be upgraded, adding in a little thought to how you want to wield them.

Sadly, this is about it for the changes. Resistance 3 brings little new to the fold. In addition to little new ideas, Resistance 3 is much less epic than the second game. There aren't awesome boss fights like fighting the leviathan in the second game.

Indeed, Resistance 3 is dark and somber. It focuses more on the human elements than just fighting the Chimera. Nothing evokes this moment more than the prison scenes. For the first time, you're forced to fight other humans before and after being captured.

Even the sound design gives off this mood. Instead of booming epic scores, you're treated to sad melodies. This music highlights the overall feeling of Joseph and the conflicting feelings of helping the resistance or protecting his family. The voice work in this game is much more extensive. You can really feel the emotions from it.

The visuals of the Resistance 3 are about the same as the second game, perhaps a little better. However, the environments aren't nearly as amazing as previous games. You're no longer fighting through sprawling metropolises, but in forests or railroads or prisons. However, certain environments like the forest feel much more open and free.

Of course, the majority of your value is going to come from the multiplayer aspect like any FPS. Resistance 3, much like the campaign, is a much smaller affair. No 60 man matches like before, now restricted to 16. Also the modes are fairly standard, so there's nothing unique to call home about.

Overall, I like Resistance 3, but it doesn't seem to stick with me like the second game. The narrative for the game is much more involved and it's a very nice touch. Showing the human side of things more than the Chimera makes the game a more personable affair. If you can look past some of its failings, you'll find a fairly worthy finale to the Resistance trilogy.

The Good: Co-op campaign mode and weapon wheel back, new guns are fun to use, upgrades for weapons are a good idea, deep and dark narrative, great sound design, good visuals.

The Bad: Pretty bland multiplayer, not much added since the second game, boss fights are not nearly as epic as the second.