A missed opportunity to deliver a great game.

User Rating: 6 | Resistance 3 PS3
Insomniac had a lot to live up to with Resistance 3. Those who played the first games in the series know the quality the series has committed to delivering.

Unfortunately, this third, and hopefully last, entry in the series is not only the worst in the series, but it's not a good game in its own right either.

A single player that falls short of greatness at every turn is not helped by the extremely stifled gameplay not present in either Fall of Man or Resistance 2. Everything feels close quarters, and you have little room for experimentation.

The campaign isn't bad, however, as there is some fun moments. Those moments are too few and far between though.

The multiplayer is atrocious. Absolutely broken at launch and still is at the time of this writing, the multiplayer offers smaller maps with fewer players than its predecessor, but it comes with lag not found in either of the previous titles. Additionally, the maps themselves leave a lot to be desired in the design department. While Resistance 2's maps were open and offered many different types of encounters, Resistance 3's maps funnel everyone into a straight shootout.

Presentation wasn't bad, but the comic book style is getting old, and it seems to be used in games that aren't getting a large budget.

Overall, there's very little reason to play this game if you have a copy of Resistance 2. Resistance 2 has a far better campaign and multiplayer. Resistance 3 is by far the worst of the series, and one of the most disappointing titles this gen.