Wow, expected to be great cos loved the last two games! But this is the best of the series!

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance 3 PS3
Gameplay [10/10] Gameplay is heaps of fun, and health system is old school making it actually tactical rather than hiding the whole time!

Graphics[9/10]Still not up to the level of Killzone 3, but is damn good! Everyone was complaining about the brown colours everywhere, but they are just setting a mood, and I think it works perfectly.

Level Design[10/10]Game world is believeable, obejects and cover look natural and realistic, but work perfectly for the ongoing battles.

Sound[10/10]Distinctive sounds for each enemy gets you worried about what's coming next, weapons are solid and satisfying sounds, and great exploding head sounds too!

AI [9/10]Vast array of enemy types changes things up, and they are random enough to not be able to predict them, and seem to change up their tactics depending on where you are and where other enemies are.

Storyline [10/10] If you're familiar with the series then the storyline is completely believable having the last couple games already taken place. Only about halfway through the game, but absolutely loving it.

Overall [9.5/10] Wow, expected to be great cos loved the last two games! But this is the best of the series! Overall the game feels balanced, and definitely a challenge at the harder levels and trying to get all the Trophies (no trophies for completing missions, 1 silver for the game and the rest are challenges within the game)