Resistance 3... a fun change.

User Rating: 8 | Resistance 3 PS3
Resistance 3 is a fun change from the formula shooters. This FPS blends alien and human elements introducing guns and secondary elements that you will not find offered in your typical shooter. Couple this with many of the best choices you have in other FPS games, like the infiltrator in Killzone, medics, predator skin, etc... and you have an idea of what R3 is offering.

If you are an avid FPS, and looking for a change, R3 is not a bad choice. With that said, this title does has some issues that deserve mentioning.

First, there are times when you will find the system lagging down with a great deal of action on the screen, leaving one wondering how exactly they died or made it out alive. This does take away from the online experience and leaves on questioning whether or not they really deserved the fate dealt them. This question is raised at least once every time I play online... server issues perhaps... hard to say. I will say this is not a complete game killer, but one shouldn't expect completely fluid graphics and play every waking second while online.

Second, the shotgun... I don't think programmers in general actually shoot real guns, lest they know that a shotgun will not down someone from a quarter mile off. In fact it's common to be "peppered" while hunting by other hunters with shotguns. As this game stands the shotgun is by far the strongest weapon capable of ruining the best persons run to glory at the hand of the worst gamer imaginable. This does take something away from the game because all you get is everyone running around with shotguns and no one is playing with the other weapons which are awesomely diverse. The game would be increasingly better if all the weapons were represented during game play. This would be more likely to happen if the programmers didn't over-weight the shotgun... In my opinion a patch should be introduced reducing the strength of this weapon.

As for the graphics of this game, they are acceptable... nothing to write home about. NOTHING in the world is destructible which I think it weak, and you do see screen errors in some of the killcams.

But I must digress, if you are bored of the shooters currently available and looking for change, this game will hold your interest, but I don't expect to be playing it into 2012.

All in all, this game gets an 8. Better than average, but not ground breaking. If you have the money and are bored right now like I was, its a fun alternative. If you're broke, wait for the blockbuster titles coming soon.