Bigger and Badder, Resistance 3 made everything that we've all wanted on the series

User Rating: 9 | Resistance 3 PS3
Since PS3 release,the Resistance series made a different path than others FPS , your Chimera invasion on WW2 has broken the entire history and you should fight against all of these monsters

Now, 2011, the third sequel from the series came and made it's own mark on the enterteniment way


+ - One of the best points of Resistance 3 is your sized places or it's BIG SIZED monsters, another good sized thing is becoming rare on FPS games (thanks to COD) is a great sized campaing that envolves the player alot during it's journey

+ Wonderfull Gun, wonderfull use - Here, the guns aren't mere guns, each gun has a special ability, like a Grenade Launcher on the M5A2 Carabine , or a Bullet tracker on the Bullseye and many features on many guns.

+ "I will save us" - The story of the campaing has been different from the last Resistances , here , we got a interesting plot that intrigues the player till the end, making him/her play the campaing for good reasons

+ Let's go HEAD-TO-HEAD - Now, what about the multiplayer, all knows that Resistance series multiplayers are big,suporrting 40 to 60 players in a single match , but, now, this number were very reduced to 16 in a single game, but this isn't bad, the multiplayer features all guns from the campaing and brings a great and funnier experience between the other players.The co-op is alot funier too, and very destructible when you have all players on

+ Such Beautiful... - The graphics of the game are much better than it's predecessors and VERY, VERY GREAT,the FPS runs smoothly when fighting gigantic monsters or checking the destroyed buildings,the game itself delivers a great graphical experience, for the most harcore players


- Almost There - Well,the game itself is AMAZING,making you play hours and hours again and again , but some issues may ruin this experience. In the campaing,the friendly AI sometimes be DUMB,really.Or the co-op matchmacking does not exist,is just by game invites.


Resistance 3 is a game that must be at your collection,no matter what,if you are a fan or not.