another remake of the same crap.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioHazard WII
capcom is slacking. why in the heck will u make a remake again instead of remaking resident evil 2..... thank god for darkside chronicles. but this game is nothing special. i just bought it yesterday and could not figure anything out!! every stupid door is locked. i spent 1 hour walking around the mansion....doing nothing. 30$ wasted. i hope to get my money back from wal-mart. im gonna get umbrella chronicles instead. im sure it is gonna be a lot more fun than this. what i LIKE about this game- graphics are good. i like the cutscenes, the thunder storm makes it scary. the whole game is creepy which is what i love about this game. the controls were horrible at first but than i got it going after a few mins. buy this game if u like resident evil 1. this is just my opinion. im sure many ppl love this game. i just want another RE-game. something different. resident evil ftw! lol. DAY LATER- ok the game is not as bad as i thought. i am keeping it. the game as a remake has changed a lot. there are new rooms and a change in the story. jills acting is still not the best. she did far better in resident evil 5 and 3. wow- jill is in a lot of i did not play as chris yet but i can't wait to. I changed my mind- this is a good game.