User Rating: 9.3 | Resident Evil GC
The Resident Evil franchise has been very popular nowadays, thanks to Capcom's biggest fans. Most of Capcom's games have been selling very well, and one of them you could easily name is Resident Evil. Released back on the Playstation in 1996, Resident Evil was a showstopper. Sure, it had horrible voice acting and the play control for the game was horrid, but now in 2003, all that had changed. The play control of RE was tweaked, and the voice acting was now brand new and very efficient. Just like that, Capcom has brought back Resident Evil, and released it on the GC, with brand new graphics, voice acting, and play control. Everything else in the game was also tweaked majorly. The story is well-told, if you actually pay attention to the plot. It affects the way you play, so to play the game at it's fullest, you got to understand the story and understand the clues to solve the puzzles within the game. You can do this without paying attention to the story, but it can be rather difficult at times. With a well-told story, there isn't really nothing to worry about in terms of the gameplay. Pretty much the only thing that affects the gameplay is the play control of Resident Evil. Sure, it has been tweaked for better performance, but the frustration still lies within...if you played any of the other Resident Evil games. Though, once you get used to it, it provides not a problem at all. Resident Evil's graphics show the powerhouse of the Gamecube. The backgrounds have been pre-rendered, but everything else that isn't...looks amazing. The FMV's (Full Motion Video) look amazing in detail and the visuals are splendid to say the least. This is what all Resident Evil's should look like...straight out awesome. The horrible voice acting from the RE on Playstation have been replaced by better voice actors for the release of the GC version. The sound of zombies creeping through the halls and the sound of footsteps show that Resident Evil is truly the scariest RE out there. It provides creepy and scariness, while still trying to mantain its fun within. Overall, Resident Evil is definitely a fun game, and has some of the best sound and graphics to date. The game will keep you entertain for a good while, and until you beat the game and enjoy the fun, you'll be taking away hours of fun just for playing Resident Evil.