EWWW first/3rd person = dissapointment

User Rating: 1 | Resident Evil: Dead Aim PS2
why do they do this this game was the one of the few residnent Evil that not only short but easy god half the time i just want my 40.00 back this game was not worth playing not only that the storyline was horriable the only one that did good that not part of the saga and that is Resident evil CVX now that game was good but back to this game why would they make a guy inject himself with the fused t-g virus and into a women why why why why they would use a new chacter Bruce sounds like a cocky person" yeah look at me i got a gun and ill kill you" i shake my head everytime why do they hurt the Resident evil fans -crys- it sad i am giving it a 1 out of 10 this was not good